Friday, November 7, 2014

Ashoka halwa

moong dal - 1 cup
wheat flour - 1 cup
sugar - 1-1/2 cup
kesari powder (prepared) - a pinch
ghee - 1 cup
cardomoms - 6
cashewnuts - 10
essence as required
cashew bits and cherry bits - 2 tsp each

Add 1/2 cup water to 1 cup moong dal and cook in pressure cooker until it becomes soft. 
To 1 cup wheat flour, add 1/2 cup water and make into a thick liquid. Heat this liquid in a fry pan and stir for a while. 
Mash the cooked moong dal and add it to the boiling liquid. 
When everything is mixed and well cooked, add sugar and stir well. 
Add 1/2 cup of ghee and keep stirring. 
When it is almost done add cardomoms. Roast cashews in 1 tsp ghee and add it to the mix. 
Add the remaining ghee and stir. It should become a non-sticky paste but not too hard. At this stage remove the pan from the stove. 
Pour this mix on a large plate greaseed with ghee. Spred the cashew and cherry bits on the top surface of the halwa. 
Then cut this into diamonds by drawing lines with a knife. 

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