Tuesday, February 16, 2016


      Basmati Rice: 4 tbsp
      Milk: 5 cups
      Sugar: ¾ cup
      Fresh Strawberries: 12-15 finely chopped
      Cardamom Powder: ½ tsp
      Almonds : 5-6 (optional)
      Pistachios (blanched): 8-10 (optional)

1     Place strawberries in a pan and add 3 tbsp sugar to it. Let it cook on low heat for 4-5 minutes.
2     Soak rice in water for around ½ hour. Drain all the water and grind to powder.
3     Mix the ground rice with 3 tbsp of milk till smooth.
4     Boil milk in a deep nonstick pan. Add ground rice paste to the milk .Let it cook on low heat, stirring continuously.
5     Add cardamom powder, finely chopped almonds and pistachios and mix well.
6     Cook till phirni thickens (Note that once the phirni cools down, it will become more thick)
7     Add remaining sugar and mix well till it dissolves.
8     Take aside for the heat and add the strawberry mixture and mix well.

Garnish with almonds, pistachios and strawberries.

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